@article{oai:niigata-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:02000775, author = {上野山, 敦士 and Uenoyama, Atsushi and 児玉, 泰光 and Kodama, Yasumitsu and 鶴巻, 浩 and Tsurumaki, Hiroshi}, issue = {2}, journal = {新潟歯学会雑誌}, month = {Dec}, note = {周辺性骨腫は骨膜から発生し,四肢体幹の皮質骨の外側に膨隆した有茎性または広基性の成熟骨組織からなる良性腫瘍で,頭頸部領域では頭蓋骨や前頭洞,上顎洞に多く,下顎骨での発生は稀とされている。今回,われわれは下顎下縁部および下顎骨頬側に生じた同疾患の2例を経験したのでその概要を報告する。症例1は60歳の女性で,左側下顎下縁部に35×24mmの骨様硬腫瘤を認めた。CT写真では腫瘤は左側下顎下縁部の皮質骨に連続し有茎性で皮質骨様濃度を呈した。周辺性骨腫の診断で全身麻酔下に口外法で摘出。術後2年7か月でわずかに同部の骨の再増生を認め,経過観察中。症例2は53歳の男性で,左側下顎第二小臼歯,第一大臼歯相当頬側歯槽部から連続した有茎性で20×12×11mmの骨様硬腫瘤を認めた。CT写真では腫瘤の内部はほぼ均一に皮質骨様濃度を呈し,腫瘤に連続した歯槽部全体も同程度の皮質骨様濃度を呈していた。周辺性骨腫の診断で全身麻酔下に口内法で摘出。再発所見なく経過良好である。病理組織学的所見はともに層板状に肥厚した皮質骨よりなっていた。, Peripheral osteoma is a benign tumor arising from the periosteum and consisting of pedunculated or sessile mature bone tissue. We herein report two rare cases of peripheral osteoma involving the inferior border of the mandible and the buccal aspect of the mandible. The first patient was a 60-year-old woman with a chief complaint of swelling at the inferior border of the left mandible. A bone-like mass measuring 35×24mm was observed by palpation. Computed tomography showed a pedunculated, radiopaque mass of cortical-bone density. Under general anesthesia, we surgically excised the tumor via an extraoral approach. The remaining small tumor has shown slight growth over the past 31 months. The patient is now being carefully followed. The second patient was 53-year-old man with a chief complaint of swelling at the left mandible. A bony and pedunculated mass measuring 20×12×11mm was observed at the buccal aspect of the left mandible. Computed tomography showed a pedunculated, radiopaque mass of cortical-bone density, and the alveolar bone of the right mandible was sclerotic. Under general anesthesia, we surgically excised the tumor via an intraoral approach. No recurrence has been detected postoperatively.}, pages = {97--103}, title = {下顎骨に生じた周辺性骨腫の2例}, volume = {47}, year = {2017} }