@article{oai:niigata-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:02000738, author = {Mousourakis, George}, issue = {2}, journal = {法政理論}, month = {Oct}, note = {This paper will discuss the extension of Ronald Dworkin's philosophy of value and his theory of political morality from the domestic to the international domain. Dworkin's analysis on this issue, expounded in his posthumous work "A New Philosophy of International Law", is an invaluable tool for expanding his thinking on political morality to the global level. In this work, international law theory is understood to revolve around the key concept of legitimacy. The author argues that the principles governing the international legal system are not fundamentally different from those underpinning domestic legal systems. He even goes so far as to assert that the moral title to govern a particular territory is based on the principles that permeate the international system and that, therefore, the legitimacy of domestic legal systems is inextricably linked with the legitimacy of the international system. This is a significant claim that is not elaborated in the above-mentioned work in great depth. Through further conceptual analysis of Dworkin's theory of justice, as expressed in his work on equality, freedom, democracy and law, along with his understanding of responsibility, harm and obligation, this essay will attempt to provide a basis for a more comprehensive account of Dworkin's theory of International Law. It is submitted that the weakness of international law, as manifested by the wars in Ukraine, the Middle East and other parts of the world, invites a rethinking of the theoretical foundations of the current system and, in this respect, Dworkin's approach may provide a useful starting point.}, pages = {62--91}, title = {Political Morality, Global Justice and the Mission of International Law : Dworkin's Theory Revisited}, volume = {55}, year = {2022} }