@article{oai:niigata-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:02000718, author = {西川, 敦子 and Nishikawa, Atsuko and 山賀, 孝之 and Yamaga, Takayuki and 小川, 祐司 and Ogawa, Hiroshi and 宮﨑, 秀夫 and Miyazaki, Hideo}, issue = {1}, journal = {新潟歯学会雑誌}, month = {Jul}, note = {本研究は,フィリピン国マンダウエ市において学童の公立あるいは私立学校就学という社会的属性による齲蝕有病状況,成長発育,口腔保健状況および食習慣の差異を調べ,さらにそれら相互の関連を検討することを目的とした。公立学校就学(公立群)の6歳児41名,12歳児42名,私立学校就学(私立群)の6歳児47名,12歳児50名を対象とした。6歳児のdf者率,12歳児のDMF者率はいずれも公立群の方が有意に高かったが,私立群も先進国と比較すれば決して良好な齲蝕有病状況とはいえなかった。身長は私立群の方が有意に高く,歯の交換状況も加味すると公立群は成長発育遅延の可能性が示唆された。さらに,公立群は低体重児が多く,対照的に私立群は肥満傾向があった。また,公立群の児童およびその保護者は口腔保健に対する意識や知識量が私立群よりも低く,その差は保護者の方がより大きかった。各項目と齲蝕有病状況との関連は6歳児ではdft,df者率ともに保護者の歯科的な訴えの有無および歯科受療の有無との有意な関連が認められた。12歳児では保護者の学歴と齲蝕有病状況に有意な関連があった。以上より学童の公立あるいは私立学校就学という社会的属性の間に保護者の学歴,教育環境などに関する様々な社会的格差が存在し,これらが要因となって児童の齲蝕有病状況,受療行動および健康意識に影響を及ぼしている可能性が示唆された。, The aim of this study is to compare caries prevalence, oral hygiene habits, physical growth and dietary habits between public and private schoolchildren in Mandaue, Philippines, and to evaluate those interrelationships. The subjects consisted of 83 children (41 six-year-olds and 42 twelve-year-olds) enrolled in public schools and 97 children (47 six-year-olds and 50 twelve-year-olds) enrolled in a private school. In both of six-year-olds and twelve-year-olds, the caries prevalence (calculated by prevalence rate of persons with df and DMF tooth, respectively) of private-school children was lower than that of public-school children, but was higher compared with that in developed country. The public-school children had a possibility of the growth delay by comparison of their height. There were a lot of underweight body for public-school children, and private-school children tended to be obesity contrastively. The private-school children and their guardians had knowledge in oral health better than them of public schools. Differences of the knowledge level were greater between the guardians. In the group of six years-old, associations with caries prevalence or experience were found for height, and presences of toothache and recent dental visits in their guardians. In the group of twelve years-old, the caries prevalence was associated with educational background of their guardians. In conclusion, our results demonstrated that the various social differentials about guardian's educational background and educational environment exist between public and private school. These differentials might have an influence on caries prevalence and healthy awareness for school children.}, pages = {23--32}, title = {フィリピン国マンダウエ市における小児の公私立学校就学による齲蝕有病,成長発育および食習慣の違いとそれらの相互関連}, volume = {47}, year = {2017} }