@article{oai:niigata-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:02000546, author = {柴田, 哲伸 and Shibata, Akinobu and 宮本, 一也 and Miyamoto, Kazuya and 橋詰, 正夫 and Hashidume, Masao and 細尾, 麻衣 and Hosoo, Mai and 五島, 秀樹 and Goto, Hideki and 清水, 武 and Shimizu, Takeshi}, issue = {1}, journal = {新潟歯学会雑誌}, month = {Jul}, note = {It is common to encounter patients with multiple primary cancers nowadays. Multiple primary cancers are cancers present in different organs and developing independently from each other, for reasons of increased patient aging and improving diagnostic techniques. We report a case of a patient with a secondary bone metastasis and struggled to find its primary site. The patient was a 79-year-old woman. We performed surgery for the squamous cell carcinoma on the left side of the buccal mucosa. After surgery, she developed a lymph node metastasis in the neck. In that time, a fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) PET/CT scan was taken for staging. It revealed that there has been integrated FDG in the neck and sacrum bone, thereby leading us to believe that there was a bone metastasis. We speculated that she had another cancer because the tumor was diagnosed as a bone metastasis of adenocarcinoma when she underwent needle biopsy in the sacrum bone. We could not find the cancer in the FDG PET/CT scan. Her chest CT scan revealed a tumor in the left upper lobe of the lung, which was diagnosed as adenocarcinoma by biopsy with bronchoscope. The squamous cell carcinoma in the buccal mucosa has not recurred in the oral cavity and neck, and the adenocarcinoma is reducing through the chemotherapy., 昨今患者の高齢化や診断技術の発達により,癌が異なる臓器に存在しかつ別個に発癌する重複癌を有する患者に遭遇する機会が増えている。今回われわれは頬粘膜扁平上皮癌治療中に,第二癌の存在を疑わせる骨転移を発見し,その原発の同定に難渋した1例を経験したので報告する。患者は79歳女性,左側頬粘膜扁平上皮癌術後に頸部後発リンパ節転移を生じ,病期診断のため撮像したFDG PET/CTで仙骨に転移が疑われた。仙骨の針生検で腺癌骨転移の診断を得たことから,重複癌の存在が疑われた。他部位に明らかなFDGの集積を認めなかった。胸部CTで左側肺上葉に陰影を認め,気管支鏡下生検で肺腺癌の確定診断を得た。頬粘膜扁平上皮癌は現在再発なく経過良好で,肺腺癌は化学療法により腫瘍の縮小を認めている。}, pages = {27--32}, title = {頬粘膜扁平上皮癌を契機に発見された重複癌の1例}, volume = {46}, year = {2016} }