@article{oai:niigata-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:02000544, author = {上松, 晃也 and Uematsu, Kohya and 鶴巻, 浩 and Tsurumaki, Hiroshi}, issue = {1}, journal = {新潟歯学会雑誌}, month = {Jul}, note = {We analyzed the actual oral condition of over 80-year-old patients who visited the department of dentistry and oral surgery, Niigata Central Hospital, for 5 years from July 2009. This study was conducted to explore the potential of the dental department of the hospital for treating elderly patient. 1) In total, 434 patients aged over 80 years were analyzed. The number had doubled compared to a similar investigation conducted in 2001. 2) In total, 366 patients (84.3%) had some underlying disease, of which, 84 (19.3%) were administrated antithrombotic drugs, and 30 (6.9%), bisphosphonate drugs. 3) Regarding disease classification, ill-fitting dentures and missing teeth were the most frequent (202 patients, 46.5%). Dental diseases were the second most frequent (90 patients, 20.9%), followed by periodontal diseases (80 patients, 18.7%). 4) Regarding the treatment category, denture treatment were the most common (274 patients, 63.1%), followed by surgery (232 patients, 53.4%). 5) There were no complications such as dental shock and exacerbation of underlying diseases during the treatments. This study would make possible the regular dental treatment of many elderly patients by helping understand the general conditions of patients before treatment, and by taking advantage of the dental department of the hospital. These results suggest the roles and capabilities that the dental department of the hospital should assume in the future., 今回われわれは医科と開業歯科医院との接点ともいえる病院歯科口腔外科という立場から高齢者歯科治療に対してどのような働きができるかを模索するべく,2009年6月からの5年間に初診した80歳以上の患者を対象に調査を行った。80歳以上の新患数は434名で,前回調査と比較して倍増していた。何らかの基礎疾患を有する患者は366名(84.3%)にも上り,抗血栓薬内服者は84名(19.3%),ビスフォスフォネート製剤内服者は30名(6.9%)であった。歯科疾患分類では,義歯不適合および喪失歯が202名(46.5%)と最も多く,以下,歯の疾患が90名(20.9%),歯周組織疾患が80名(18.7%)と続いた。処置内容(のべ数)は義歯関連が274名(63.1%)と最も多く,次に外科関連が232名(53.4%)となっていた。処置中に基礎疾患の増悪や疼痛性ショックなどの偶発症は見られなかった。術前に患者の全身状態の十分な把握に努め,体制のととのった病院歯科の環境を活用することで,本調査では多くの高齢者に対して一般の健常な成人と同程度の歯科治療を提供することができていた。この結果はこれからの病院歯科の担う役割・可能性を示すものでもあると考えている。}, pages = {15--20}, title = {新潟中央病院歯科口腔外科における80歳以上の高齢患者に対する臨床統計的検討}, volume = {46}, year = {2016} }