@article{oai:niigata-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:02000537, author = {上松, 晃也 and Uematsu, Kohya and 児玉, 泰光 and Kodama, Yasumitsu and 勝見, 祐二 and Katsumi, Yuji and 木口, 哲郎 and Kiguchi, Tetsuo and 西川, 敦 and Nishikawa, Atsushi and 高木, 律男 and Takagi, Ritsuo}, issue = {2}, journal = {新潟歯学会雑誌}, month = {Dec}, note = {Background: The aim of this study was to create intelligence sharing of the current situations of mandibular third molar extraction (MTMext.) between our department and other medical institutions. Methods: Data of 599 MTMext. teeth in 461 patients who visited our department in 2014 were studied for 1) patient information, 2) X-ray images (panoramic radio graph [PRG],computed tomography [CT]), 3) procedures, and 4) post-operative complications. Results: 1) The 461 patients comprised of 198 males and 263 females. The ratio of referral patients was nearly 93%, of which 73% were referred from dentists in the general practice. 2) Pre-operative diagnosis was mainly performed based on PRG findings. Based on Winter's classification, there were 305 horizontal teeth, 165 mesio-angular teeth, and 118 vertical teeth. When based on Pell-Gregory's classification, there were 242 IA teeth, 120 IIA teeth, and 107 IB teeth. As for apex position, there were 258 Ap1 teeth, 185 Ap0 teeth, and 94 Ap2-s teeth represented. CT was taken in 185 of teeth. Bone wall of mandibular canals were seen disappeared at a high frequency in Ap2-s, Ap2-d and Ap3 teeth. 3) 514 teeth were operated in the outpatient operating room whereas 85 teeth were operated in the central operating room. Out of the total teeth, 82 teeth were operated under general anesthesia, 27 teeth with intravenous sedation and 490 teeth were operated under local anesthesia. 4) A total of 6 nerve injuries were found. In addition, surgical site infections occurred in 11 teeth. Conclusions: These findings might be useful in informing patients about MTMext. procedures and could further help practicing dentists to refer patients to specialized institutions., 下顎智歯抜歯は口腔外科において頻度の高い処置である。個々の症例で難易度や合併症リスクが異なるため,体制の整った施設での加療が望ましい症例も多い。今回,紹介医との情報共有を目的に当科における現況を調査した。対象は2014年に施術した下顎智歯抜歯461例599歯とし,1.患者基本情報,2.画像情報,3.手術情報,4.術後合併症に関して調査した。1.性別では男性198例246歯,女性263例353歯,平均年齢は30.5±12.6歳であった。紹介率は92.9%であり,開業歯科医院からの紹介は全体の7割を超えた。2.Winter分類は,水平305歯,近心165歯,垂直118歯,Pell-Gregory分類は,IA:242歯,ⅡA:120歯,IB:107歯,apex positionはAp1:258歯,Ap0:185歯,Ap2-s:94歯の順で多かった。CT撮影は185歯(30.8%)で追加的に実施され,Ap2-s以上でその割合が急増していた。3.施術場所は,514歯が外来手術室,85歯が中央手術室であり,麻酔別では,全身麻酔82歯,静脈内鎮静法27歯,局所麻酔単独490歯であった。全身麻酔の選択理由は外科的侵襲の大きさや両側同時抜歯が最も多く,静脈内鎮静法の選択理由は手術に対する不安(歯科恐怖症を含む)が最も多かった。4.知覚異常は6歯(1.0%)で認められた。本調査結果を紹介医と共有し,患者説明や紹介の判断基準として有効に活用されれば,今後の地域における病診連携の拡大にもつながることが期待される。}, pages = {73--80}, title = {2014年における下顎智歯抜歯599歯の臨床的検討 : 下顎智歯抜歯治療体系の現況と考察}, volume = {45}, year = {2015} }