@article{oai:niigata-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:02000536, author = {芳澤, 享子 and Yoshizawa, Michiko and 新美, 奏恵 and Niimi, Kanae and 三上, 俊彦 and Mikami, Toshihiko and 船山, 昭典 and Funayama, Akinori and 鈴木, 一郎 and Suzuki, Ichiro and 小林, 正治 and Kobayashi, Tadaharu}, issue = {2}, journal = {新潟歯学会雑誌}, month = {Dec}, note = {新潟大学医歯学総合病院口腔再建外科における口腔粘膜疾患の現状を把握する目的で,外来初診時に粘膜・皮膚疾患と分類された患者について臨床統計的に検討した。対象は2009年1月から2014年12月までの6年間に当科を受診した外来初診・再初診患者10,625名のうち,粘膜・皮膚疾患に分類された578名である。今回は粘膜・皮膚疾患に分類されたものを,國領らの疾患分類に準拠して疾患別に分類して検討した。症例は男性230名,女性348名で女性に多く,年齢は男女とも60歳代がピークであった。疾患別では口腔白板症や口腔扁平苔癬などの角化性病変が232例(39.6%)と最も多く,次いでアフタなどの潰瘍性病変が146例(24.9%),舌の病変108例(18.4%),細菌・真菌感染29例(4.9%),ウィルス性病変22例(3.7%),色素異常12例(2.0%),口唇の病変10例(1.7%),水疱性疾患4例(0.7%),薬理・物理化学的病変2例(0.3%),その他22例(3.7%)であった。各疾患について行った精査と確定診断について調査したところ,異なる粘膜病変や扁平上皮癌,上皮内癌などの腫瘍性病変も認められた。そのため,口腔粘膜疾患の診断には生検などの精査を積極的に行うことが重要と考えられた。, Outpatients classified as skin and oral mucosa diseases of the Department of Oral Reconstructive Surgery, Niigata University Medical and Dental Hospital were studied clinico-statistically to determine the current status of oral mucosal disease. The subjects of our investigation were 578 of 10,625 outpatients who visited our hospital between January 2009 and December 2014. The 578 patients were classified according to the disease classification by Kokuryo et al. There were 230 male patients and 348 female patients. The most of patients were in their 60s. The most common diagnosis was keratinized lesions including oral leukoplakia and oral lichen planus (232 cases, 39.6%) followed by ulcerative lesions such as aphtha (146 cases, 24.9%), lesions of the tongue (108 cases, 18.4%), bacterial or fungal infection (29 cases, 4.9%), viral disease (22 cases, 3.7%), pigmentary anomaly (12 cases, 2.0%), lesions of the lips (10 cases, 1.7%), bullous lesions (4 cases, 0.7%), pharmacological and physicochemical lesions (2 cases, 0.3%), and other lesions (22 cases, 3.7%). Examinations and confirmed diagnoses of all cases were investigated. Consequently, there were oral mucosal lesions that were diagnosed differently from the first clinical diagnoses and also tumorous lesions diagnosed histopathologically as squamous cell carcinoma and carcinoma in situ. The results indicate that precise examination, such as biopsy, is important for diagnosis of oral mucosal lesions.}, pages = {67--72}, title = {新潟大学医歯学総合病院口腔再建外科において,粘膜・皮膚疾患に分類された外来初診患者の臨床統計的検討}, volume = {45}, year = {2015} }