@article{oai:niigata-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:02000523, author = {大貫, 尚志 and Ohnuki, Hisashi and 鶴巻, 浩 and Tsurumaki, Hiroshi and 黒川, 亮 and Kurokawa, Akira and 勝見, 祐二 and Katsumi, Yuji}, issue = {2}, journal = {新潟歯学会雑誌}, month = {Dec}, note = {A total of 680 patients who consulted the Department of Dentistry and Oral Surgery during orthopedic hospitalization at Niigata Central Hospital between January 2007 and December 2012 are enrolled in this study. The purpose of this study is to clarify the demand for dental treatment among the patients who were hospitalized in an orthopedics department. The results obtained were as follows: 1.The number of patients who consulted our department tended to increase every year, and the proportion of elderly patients showed the highest tendency to increase. 2.The majority (80%) of the patients requiring orthopedic hospitalization had bone fractures, back injuries and/or spinal cord disease. 3.The majority of patients (77.4%) had some systemic diseases. 4.Dental disease (35.3%), denture problems (25.9%) and periodontal disease (23.2%) were the most common problems, and were found in 84.4% of the patients who consulted our department. 5.Tooth extraction was the most frequent treatment, followed by denture treatment. 6.A total of 58.7% of the patients finished their dental treatment, and 21.6% of the patients were referred to another family dental clinic. 7.The main reason why these patients were referred to our department by the orthopedist was a close intraoral inspection before performing orthopedic surgery. These results suggest that the overall oral hygiene status of orthopedic inpatients is generally poor, and the demand for dental treatment such as tooth extraction among such patients who are hospitalized in the orthopedic department is high. In addition to treatment of the underlying disease, it is important for the patients to maintain good oral health, and developing a system by which the Department of Dentistry could intervene in various inpatient situations would be helpful., 2007年1月から2012年12月までの6年間に新潟中央病院整形外科入院中で歯科口腔外科外来を受診した680名(男性341名,女性339名)について臨床的検討を行い,以下の結果を得た。1.整形外科入院中の患者の歯科口腔外科受診者数は,年々増加傾向を示し,高齢者の占める割合が高くなる傾向がみられた。2.整形外科入院中患者の疾患内訳は骨折,脊椎・脊髄疾患で8割を占めた。3.何らかの全身的既往歴を有している患者は77.4%であった。4.歯科疾患分類では,歯疾患が35.3%,喪失歯および補綴物適合不全が25.9%, 歯周疾患が23.2%の3つで84.4%を占めた。5.処置内容は抜歯が最多で,次いで義歯関係であった。6.転帰は治療終了が58.7%で,かかりつけあるいは近歯科医への紹介が21.6%であった。7.主治医からの紹介理由は,全身麻酔前の口腔内精査が最も多かった。以上より,整形外科入院患者は歯科的対応を要するものが増加傾向にあり,抜歯を必要とするなど比較的口腔環境の悪化している患者が多いことが示唆された。原疾患の治療遂行上,口腔内環境を良好に保つことは重要であり,積極的に介入すべきであると考えられた。}, pages = {99--105}, title = {新潟中央病院整形外科入院患者の歯科受診の実態調査}, volume = {44}, year = {2014} }