@article{oai:niigata-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:02000504, author = {高山, 裕司 and Takayama, Yuuji and 武藤, 祐一 and Mutoh, Yuuichi and 松井, 宏 and Matsui, Hiroshi}, issue = {1}, journal = {新潟歯学会雑誌}, month = {Jun}, note = {A clinical study of maxillofacial bone fracture at the department of dentistry and oral-maxillofacial surgery, Niigata Rousai Hospital in January 1999 and December 2011 gave following findings. ①There were 110 patients during the period of time; 81 males and 29 females, a sex ratio 3:1. ②Most of the patients were 10 to 29 years and 50 to 59 years old, with recent increases in elderly patients aged over 65 years. ③The most common referral was another general hospital (22.7%), followed by the emergency outpatient unit (21.8%) and dental clinics (10.9%). ④The most common fractures were those of the mandible (67.3%), followed by the zygoma-maxilla (10.0%) and the maxilla (7.3%). ⑤The most common treatment was open reduction (69.1%), with other patients being treated with closed reduction (11.8%) and other methods (19.1%). It is predicted that the ratio of the elderly patient will increase relatively rapidly in the near future due to the aging society, and it is necessary for consider the hospital and family doctor in order to optimal management of maxillofacial bone fracture., 今回,私たちは,1999年1月から2011年12月までの13年間に新潟労災病院歯科口腔外科において入院下に1次治療を行った顎顔面骨折患者に対して臨床統計的検討を行った。①対象期間中の症例数は全110例であった。性別では男性81名(73.6%),女性29名(26.4%)であり,男女比は3:1と男性に多かった。②年齢分布では10~20歳代と50歳代に多く,近年では65歳以上の高齢者が増加していた。③受診経路では,他の総合病院からの紹介が最も多く25例(22.7%)で,次いで救急外来からの紹介が24例(21.8%),開業歯科医院からの紹介が12例(10.9%)であった。④受傷部位では最も多かったのが下顎骨で74例(67.3%),次いで,頬骨上顎骨が11例(10.0%),上顎骨が8例(7.3%)であった。⑤治療法では,観血的整復固定術が76例(69.1%),非観血的整復固定術13例(11.8%),その他が21例(19.1%)であった。今後は高齢者の増加と共に顎顔面骨折患者は増加することが十分に考えられ,その対応について院内関連部署および地域の医療機関との連携について検討する必要があると考えられた。}, pages = {13--18}, title = {新潟労災病院歯科口腔外科における顎顔面骨折症例の臨床統計的検討}, volume = {44}, year = {2014} }