@article{oai:niigata-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:02000343, author = {住吉, 智子 and 柿原, 奈保子 and 柏, 美智 and 坂井, さゆり and 成田, 太一 and 横野, 知江}, journal = {新潟大学高等教育研究}, month = {Mar}, note = {本稿の目的は,新潟大学医学部保健学科の看護学プログラムの「分野固有の能力」である看護実践能力に関する評価の一環として,学生の臨地実習での看護技術経験の実態解明とした.独自に作成し学生に配布している『看護技術の学習状況一覧表』をもとに,学生が臨地実習で単独あるいは指導者とともに実施(あるいは見学)できた看護技術を,卒業年次に調査した.その結果,対象となった70人全員が臨地で実施できた看護技術は「車椅子移送」,「清拭」,「バイタルサイン測定」であった.また「卒業までにもっと経験しておきたかった看護技術」で最も多かった技術は「皮膚・筋肉・静脈注射」であった.学生の主観的認識として,4年間,臨地実習で看護技術を経験する機会が「多かった」と回答したのは23人(32.9%),「卒業前に技術を強化する機会」の希望は50人(71.4%)だった.今後は学内演習の更なる充実と卒業前の技術強化の機会の必要性が示唆された., The purpose of this study was to elucidate nursing students' experiences of nursing skills during clinical practice in the nursing program at Niigata University. By clarifying these experiences via a factual investigation, we can obtain an evaluation of nursing practice skills, which is one of the sub-concepts of the program, “field-specific skills.” Our survey was based on the content of the “Learning Status of Nursing Skills List.” This list is unique to our university, and we surveyed the graduating seniors based on the list. The nursing skills that all 70 students were able to perform in clinical practice were “wheelchair transfer,” “wiping clean,” and “vital sign measurement.” The most common nursing skill that the students wished they had more experience with before graduation was “skin/muscle/vein injection.” In terms of the students' subjective perceptions, 23(32.9%) answered that they had had “many opportunities” to experience nursing skills in their clinical practice during the four years of the program, and 50(71.4%) wished to have “opportunities to strengthen their skills before graduation.” Future educational issues include the need for further enhancement of on-campus exercises and opportunities to strengthen students' skills before graduation.}, pages = {23--28}, title = {卒業年次看護学生の臨地実習での看護技術経験の実態調査}, volume = {9}, year = {2022} }