@phdthesis{oai:niigata-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:02000277, author = {岩田, 大介}, month = {2022-04-04, 2022-04-04}, note = {斑点米カメムシは全国的な水稲の最重要害虫であり,その耕種的防除法として,水田畦畔の雑草管理が挙げられる。斑点米カメムシの発生量の増加や,経営規模の拡大により,近年雑草管理の最適化が強く求められている。斑点米カメムシの多くは,イネ科植物を寄主とし,出穂したイネ科雑草を増殖源としている。このため,イネ科以外の雑草が優占するように植生を誘導する雑草(植生)管理が有効と考えた。そこで,新潟県における水田畦畔の植生と斑点米カメムシの発生実態を明らかにし,そのうえで斑点米カメムシの発生しにくい植生に誘導する植生管理方法を検討した。2014年,2015年に新潟県内の7地域で,合計1,008本の畦畔を対象に,4月から10月まで1ヶ月間隔でイネ科雑草に注目して植生を調査した。5月以降は出穂したイネ科雑草が存在する畦畔を対象に,すくい取りによる斑点米カメムシの捕獲数を調査した。出穂したイネ科雑草の主な草種は,6月までは複数種,7月以降はほぼメヒシバであった。アカスジカスミカメ,アカヒゲホソミドリカスミカメは5月から10月まで連続で発生し,その発生量は7月が最も多く,アカスジカスミカメでは7月以降もメヒシバで多発生状態が維持されていた。これらのことから,斑点米カメムシの発生しにくい植生にするには,イネ科雑草,特に夏季のメヒシバの発生を抑える必要があることが示された。2013~2015年に新潟県長岡市の作物研究センターの水田畦畔を異なる方法で管理し,植生の変化を調査した。処理区は,雑草を地際から刈り取る「地際刈区」,雑草を地際から10㎝程度高い位置で刈り取る「高刈区」,春に非選択性茎葉処理除草剤のグリホサートカリウム塩液剤を散布する「Gly区」,土壌処理効果のあるDCMU水和剤を散布する「DCMU区」など合計7つとした。各区に50㎝×50㎝のコドラート枠を設置して枠内の草種と植被率を概ね1週間間隔で調査した。メヒシバ植被率は,「高刈区」では低く維持され,「Gly区」では6月から高まった。このことから,雑草を地際から10㎝程度高い位置で刈り取る「高刈り」は,メヒシバを抑制する効果があり,斑点米カメムシの発生しにくい植生に誘導するために有効であると考えられた。2015年に新潟県長岡市の現地圃場畦畔において,「高刈区」,「地際刈区」,「Gly区」,「DCMU区」を設置して,草種と植被率に加え,すくい取りによる斑点米カメムシの捕獲数を調査した。メヒシバ植被率は,「地際刈区」よりも「高刈区」が低く,高刈りのメヒシバ抑制効果が現地圃場畦畔でも確認された。斑点米カメムシは,いずれの試験区でも,イネ科雑草が出穂すると捕獲されることが多かった。「高刈区」では,草刈り後に春季のイネ科雑草であるヌカボとナギナタガヤが再生,出穂してアカスジカスミカメの捕獲数が多くなる場合があった。「Gly区」は2015年にメヒシバが優占したため,2016年,2017年では雑草を地際から10㎝程度高い位置で刈り取る「Gly-高刈区」と雑草を地際から刈り取る「Gly-地際刈区」に分割して,草刈りによる管理を2年間継続した。メヒシバ植被率は,「Gly-地際刈区」よりも「Gly-高刈区」が低く,また2016年よりも2017年が低かった。このことから,一度メヒシバが優占した畦畔においても,高刈りのメヒシバ抑制効果が確認され,その効果は高刈りによる管理を継続すると高まることが示唆された。これらのことから,斑点米カメムシの発生しにくい植生に誘導する植生管理方法として,雑草を地際から10㎝程度高い位置で刈り取る「高刈り」が有効であると結論付けた。ただし,春季に出穂したイネ科雑草が発生している場合は,これらは選択的に地際から刈り取って除草する必要がある。, The rice bugs causing pecky rice is the most serious pest that inhabits rice paddies throughout Japan and weed management along the rice paddy levees is followed as a cultivation control strategy. Recently, there has been a strong demand for the optimization of weed management owing to an increase in the number of rice bugs causing pecky rice and the expansion in farm size. Many rice bugs causing pecky rice are hosted by grasses (Poaceae), and sprouted grass weeds are said to be a source of proliferation. Therefore, weed (vegetation) management that promotes vegetation comprising weeds other than grasses is considered to be an effective means of controlling this insect. Therefore, we identified the vegetation growing on the paddy levees in Niigata prefecture and clarified the actual occurrence of the rice bugs causing pecky rice, and then, evaluated vegetation management methods that promote the growth of vegetation that impedes the occurrence of rice bugs causing pecky rice. We surveyed the vegetation in seven regions within Niigata prefecture in 2014 and 2015 at monthly intervals from April to October, surveying a total of 1008 paddy levees, with a focus on grass weeds. From May onwards, we enumerated the number of rice bugs causing pecky rice using a sweep net over the sprouted grass weeds growing on the paddy levees. Up to June, among the sprouted grass weeds, multiple species comprised the main grass species, and from July onwards, Digitaria ciliaris was predominant. Trigonotylus caelestialium and Stenotus rubrovittatus appeared continuously from May through to October, with the highest numbers caught in July, and the Stenotus rubrovittatus maintained high numbers in Digitaria ciliaris even after July. These findings suggest the need to control the growth of grass weeds, especially of summer Digitaria ciliaris, to encourage vegetation that is less susceptible to hosting the rice bugs causing pecky rice. From 2013 to 2015, the paddy levees at the Niigata Crop Research Center in Nagaoka, Niigata prefecture were managed using different methods and the changes in vegetation were surveyed. A total of seven test plots were established, including a mown plot, where the weeds were cut at ground level; a high-cut plot, where the weeds were cut approximately 10 cm above the ground; a Gly plot, which was sprayed with the broad-spectrum foliar herbicide glyphosate-potassium salt in spring, and a DCMU plot, which was sprayed with the soil-applied herbicide DCMU wettable powder. A 50 cm × 50 cm quadrat frame was set up in each plot and the grass species and percentage of vegetation cover within each frame was surveyed at approximately weekly intervals. The percentage of crabgrass vegetation cover was maintained at a low level in the high-cut plot and increased from June in the Gly plot. This suggests that high cutting is effective for controlling crabgrass and may be effective in promoting vegetation that is less susceptible to hosting the rice bugs causing pecky rice. In 2015, high-cut, mown, Gly, and DCMU plots were established in paddy levees local fields in Nagaoka, Niigata prefecture, and we surveyed the grass species and percentage of vegetation cover, and recorded the number of rice bugs causing pecky rice by sweeping the grass. The percentage of Digitaria ciliaris vegetation cover was lower in the high-cut plot than in the mown plot, which confirmed that high cutting was effective in controlling Digitaria ciliaris along the paddy levees local fields also. Rice bugs causing pecky rice were often caught in all the test plots once the grass weeds had sprouted. In the high-cut plots, there was regrowth and sprouting of the spring grass weed Agrostis clavata and Festuca myuros after cutting, and there was an increase in the number of Stenotus rubrovittatus caught in some of these plots. In 2015, the Gly plot was dominated by crabgrass; therefore, in 2016 and 2017, this plot was divided into a Gly-high-cut plot, where the weeds were cut 10 cm above the ground, and a Gly-mown plot, where the weeds were cut at ground level, and we continued weed management with cutting for 2 years. The percentage of Digitaria ciliaris vegetation cover was lower in the Gly-high-cut plot than in the Gly-mown plot, and it was lower in 2017 than in 2016. These results confirmed that high cutting is effective in controlling Digitaria ciliaris even on paddy levees once dominated by the species and suggested that continued weed management with high cutting enhances this effect. Based on these findings, we concluded that high cutting, where the weeds are cut 10 cm above the ground, is an effective vegetation management method that promotes the growth of vegetation that is not susceptible to hosting the rice bugs causing pecky rice. However, when sprouted grass weeds appear in the spring, it is necessary to selectively mow them at ground level and weed these plants., 新大院博(農)第212号}, school = {新潟大学, Niigata University}, title = {斑点米カメムシが増殖しにくい植生管理技術の構築}, year = {} }