@article{oai:niigata-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:02000142, author = {今井, 邦英 and Imai, Kunihide and 田中, 弘 and Tanaka, Koh and 田中, 政春 and Tanaka, Masaharu and 瀬尾, 弘志 and Seo, Hiroshi}, issue = {5}, journal = {新潟医学会雑誌}, month = {May}, note = {[What state is multi-organ failure(MOF)?] It is not so easy to answer this question. It is true that almost all the organ including heart, liver, kidney can not function simultaneously. However, the data of this state has not been analyzed yet exactly at this time. MOF is identified mainly in the terminal stage of the various diseases and disorders such as malignancy, acquired immune-deficiency syndrome (AIDS), serious head trauma, starvation, pancreatitis, heat stroke and senile decay which is induced by aging and is the main theme of this report, etc. In general, senile decay involves the various critical states including pneumonia, congestive heart failure, renal failure. Now, we noticed that hyponatremia (LNa) is often emerged in the terminal stage of senile decay and tried to investigate the relationship between this symptom (LNa) and the critical state (senile decay) ①. Moreover, we analyzed whether this symptom may be the index of the grade of senile decay and how it emerged by using Odds rate in addition to another factors associated with MOF due to senile decay such as ② hemoglobin、 ③ thrombocyte, ④ liver function (Aspartic acid aminotransferease AST, ⑤ liver function Alanine aminotransferase,,ALT), kidney-function (⑥ blood urea nitrogen, BUN, ⑦ creatinine, Cr), ⑧ hypothermia (under 36℃), ⑨ opportunistic infection ⑩ pneumonia induced by MOF ⑪ CRP, ⑫ low proteinemia. As the result of analysis, we got the significant data in eight factors including LNa as presented Table1.}, pages = {169--174}, title = {検査データからみた老衰に伴う多臓器不全の検討 : 視床下部機能不全に伴う低ナトリウム血症出現の意義の観点から}, volume = {134}, year = {2020} }