@article{oai:niigata-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00018709, author = {東條, 恵}, issue = {3}, journal = {新潟医学会雑誌, 新潟医学会雑誌}, month = {Mar}, note = {Almost twenty years passed since the habilitation in the early stage of cerebral palsy was introduced in Japan. Several techniques for these purposes has been used until recent years such as Bobath approach (neurodevelopmental treatment) and Vojta therapy. Recently Ueda developed a new technique, named "Ueda method", which will assist motor development through the strong inhibition of spasticity of cerebral palsy. Abnormal postural reflexes are responsible for hypertonus or spasticity according to the Bobath theory which is based on reducing the spasticity by inhibition of abnormal postural reflexes. Ueda was againist for the concept of Bobath and proposed the entirely opposite concept. Practically, we have experienced often the reduced spasticity and resolution of primitive reflexes by Ueda method, We have also the following idea that the spasticity of cerebral palsy could be due to spinal origin in a sence because of immediate reduction on spasticity and the resolution of primitive reflexes through the therapy by Ueda methods. We could interpret the Ueda method as the simplisity, stronger effects for the reduction of spasticity and longer continuity of the effects, compared with Vojta or Bobath method. We propose to study the mechanism of effects of Ueda methods.}, pages = {100--105}, title = {3)脳性麻痺のリハビリテーション : 最近の進歩と問題点(シンポジウム リハビリテーション医療 : 最近の進歩と問題点, 第484回新潟医学会)}, volume = {109}, year = {1995} }