@article{oai:niigata-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00018574, author = {高橋, 達 and 早川, 晃史 and 田中, 泰樹 and 桑名, 謙治 and 伊藤, 信市 and 内藤, 彰 and 田代, 知子 and 佐藤, 知巳 and 松井, 茂 and 五十川, 修 and 朝倉, 均}, issue = {6}, journal = {新潟医学会雑誌, 新潟医学会雑誌}, month = {Jun}, note = {In an attempt to assess the diagnostic value of a fine biopsy needle for echo-guided use in diffuse liver diseases, a quantitative analysis of the specimens biopsied with a 17-gauge Majima needle under laparoscopy was carried out in 30 patients with chronic liver disease. The specimen obtained with a 13-gauge conventional Silverman needle was used for a positive control. In the results, although all specimens obtained with a Silverman needle had a sufficient size for the correct diagnosis of diffuse liver diseases, 70 per cent of the specimens obtained with a Majima needle had a size sufficient for the same diagnosis. The diagnostic capability of the Majima needle was significantly related to the length, surface area and the number of portal tracts in the tissue sections of the obtained specimens. If a specimen had the length over 17 mm, or the surface area over 10.1 mm2 or the number of the available portal areas over 8, the diagnosis was comparable to the specimens obtained with a conventional Silverman needle. The diagnostic cap ability was not related to any histological changes in the specimens. Thus, one should obtain specimens over 2 cm for the histological diagnosis of diffuse liver diseases when performing echo-guided liver biopsy using a fine biopsy needle.}, pages = {286--296}, title = {Majima Needleによる慢性肝疾患の診断能に関する腹腔鏡直視下肝生検法を用いた検討}, volume = {109}, year = {1995} }