@article{oai:niigata-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00015861, author = {大槻, 美佳}, issue = {10}, journal = {新潟医学会雑誌, 新潟医学会雑誌}, month = {Oct}, note = {Among the various approach to dementia disease, neuropsychological approach have a specific role to reveal the mechanism of the disturbances of the patients. The basic way of neuropsychological approach demands the detailed observation of what the patient can and cannot do and find out the core of the disturbance. Regarding the main purpose for the diagnosis, it is most important to pick up the findings which indicate the lesion sites or the specific and reliable signs for a certain disease. Herein some of the represented and useful focal signs are introduced. Regarding the parietal lobe lesion, constructional disturbance can be useful to distinguish Alzheimer's disease and Simple dementia. The occipital lobe signs such as Balint's syndrome and visual agnosia, indicates Alzheimer's disease or posterior cortical atrophy. As to temporal lobe, various language disturbances are specific signs, for example Gogi aphasia is found only in the cases of Pick's disease or post herpes encephalitis. Anarthria is specific focal sign of the posterior part of left inferior precentral gyrus, and limb clumsiness (limb-kinetic apraxia) is related to the lesions of pre and post central gyrus. Neuropsychological approach can be useful not only for the diagnosis, but also for promoting the way to find out the clinical characteristics related to the diseases.}, pages = {451--454}, title = {2) 痴呆の神経心理学的アプローチ(シンポジウム 「痴呆の病態と治療 : 分子生物学から地域医療までの統合」, 第545回新潟医学会)}, volume = {113}, year = {1999} }