@article{oai:niigata-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00012173, author = {渡辺, 賢一 and 井上, 幹雄 and 中野, るりこ and 文, 娟 and 国崎, 恵 and 水戸, 沙耶佳 and 馬, 梅蕾 and プニヤコッテイ, Tv and ナラシマン, G and スレシュ, Ps and パラス, P and ワヘッド, M and ファデア, Ka and リヤド, Ae and ベナム, H and 平山, 匡男 and 小林, 隆司 and 小山, 博史 and 神田, 光雄}, issue = {5}, journal = {新潟医学会雑誌, 新潟医学会雑誌}, month = {May}, note = {【目的】γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA)・リンゴ酢含有飲料水「顆糖熟(かとなーる)®」の血圧に及ぼす作用と安全性を検討した.【方法】対象は,正常血圧者(収縮期血圧130mmHg未満かつ拡張期血圧85mmHg未満.N群.8名)と未治療正常高値血圧者(収縮期血圧130-139mmHgまたは拡張期血圧85-89mmHg)・軽症高血圧患者(収縮期血圧140-159mmHgまたは拡張期血圧90-99mmHg)のH群(10名)のボランテア計18名(男/女=13/5.平均46±3歳.)である.1本90mlにGABA70mg含有する飲料水「顆糖熟®」を1日1本12週間摂取し,2週間毎に血圧・血液生化学・尿を検査した.【結果】診察所見・自覚所見で有害事象は見られなかった.N群では摂取による血圧の有意な変化は見られなかった(収縮期血圧118±3mmHgから113±4mmHg).H群では,摂取6週目から血圧低下が見られ,開始日(収縮期血圧136±2mmHg)と比較して10・12週目に有意な低下が見られた(収縮期血圧129±3・128±4mmHg,両p<0.05).興味深いことに,摂取中止2週後は更に血圧が低下し(126±3mmHg,p<0.05),中止4過後に血圧が上昇してきて摂取前と差が見られなくなった(130±4mmHg).摂取による血液生化学・尿検査の異常変化は見られなかったが,血糖値・GOT・γ-GTP・LDHの有意な低下と総コレステロール値の低下傾向が見られた.【総括】GABA含有飲料水「顆糖熟®」は正常高値血圧者・軽症高血圧患者で緩やかに血圧を降下させ,安全性が高いことが示唆された.We investigated the effects of drinking water containing γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) and vinegar, Katonal®, on blood pressure and safety in volunteers. There were eight subjects with normal blood pressure (Group-N) and ten with mild elevated blood pressure or mild hypertension (Group-H)(male/female=13/5, 46±3 years old, systolic blood pressure=118±3mmHg in Group-N and 136±2mmHg in Group-H). All subjects took 90ml of drinking water, the concentration of GABA was 70mg/90ml/one piece, for 12 weeks. Blood pressure did not change during the intake in Group-N. Systolic blood pressure decreased from 6 weeks, and significantly decreased at 10 and 12 weeks during the intake in Group-H (129±3mmHg and 128±4mmHg respectively, p<0.05). Interestingly, systolic blood pressure further decreased at 2 weeks after stopping the intake (126±3mmHg, p<0.05), and blood pressure recovered at 4 weeks after stopping the intake (130±4mmHg). Although there were no abnormal changes in blood and urinalysis tests, fasting blood glucose (from 91±2mg/dl to 88±2mg/dl, p<0.05), GOT (from 23±1mg/dl to 21±1mg/dl, p<0.05), γ-GTP (from 37±7mg/dl to 28±5mg/dl, p<0.05), LDH (from 187±5mg/dl to 176±5mg/dl, p<0.05) and total cholesterol (from 192±7mg/dl to 183±6mg/dl, NS) decreased after the intake. No adverse reaction was observed in a medical examination and subjective symptoms. These results demonstrate that this drinking water exhibits mild hypotensive effect in subjects with mild hypertension, and its long-term intake does not cause any adverse reaction.}, pages = {279--289}, title = {正常血圧者及び正常高値血圧者・軽症高血圧患者におけるGABAおよびリンゴ酢含有飲料水(顆糖熟®)長期摂取時の有効性と安全性}, volume = {120}, year = {2006} }