@article{oai:niigata-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00011860, author = {歌川, 孝子 and 池田, 京子 and 村松, 芳幸 and 佐藤, 幸示}, issue = {2}, journal = {新潟医学会雑誌, 新潟医学会雑誌}, month = {Feb}, note = {新潟県中越大震災(以下,震災)で被災した2型糖尿病患者135人を対象に,震災が血糖コントロールに与えた影響及びその因子を明らかにするため,質問紙および診療録からデータを収集し関連検証型研究を行った.震災前と比較して震災後の糖尿病患者の血糖コントロールは有意に悪化していた.また,居住地では震源地以外群,自宅の被害状況では被害なし群,治療法では食事・運動群,経口薬群が有意に悪化していた.そこで,血糖コントロールの悪化因子を明らかにするために震災前・後のHbAlc値の差を目的変数とし,治療法(食事・運動群,経口薬群,インスリン注射群),居住地,自宅の被害状況,避難所・車中泊の経験,食事を説明変数として重回帰分析を行ったところ,関与した因子は居住地と自宅の被害状況であった.今回の研究で明らかにできなかったが,震災と降雪時期が重なったため豪雪による生活環境の変化や,震災そのものに対する心理的ストレスも影響していたと推察された., This study was conducted on 135 patients suffering from type 2 diabetes mellitus who experienced the Great Earthquake in the Chuetsu Area, Niigata Prefecture (hereafter abbreviated to the Earthquake). To elaborate on the effect that the Earthquake had on blood glucose control and related factors, data were collected from questionnaires and medical records to examine their relationships. Compared with the data prior to the Earthquake, blood glucose control for diabetic patients deteriorated significantly after the disaster. Significant deteriorations were also noted in those residing in the areas outside the seismic center, those not suffering from notable damage to their domicile, and those who had been treated with diet and exercise therapies and oral hypoglycemic agents. Next, to pinpoint the exacerbating factors in blood glucose control, a multiple regression analysis was conducted, using the difference between HbAlc before and after the Earthquake as the objective variable and the therapeutic mode (diet and exercise ; use of oral hypoglycemic agents and insulin injections), residence, extent of damage to their home, shelter where they stayed, experience in sleeping in one's own automobile, and details of meals that they had taken as explanatory variables. Subsequently it was found that residence and the extent of damage to their homes were the factors significantly related to blood glucose control. Although not clarified in the current study, it was surmised that changes in the living condition due to a heavy snow fall (the Earthquake occurred during the snow season) and psychological stress due to the Earthquake also had significant effects.}, pages = {90--96}, title = {中越大震災が血糖コントロールに及ぼした影響 : 生活環境の変化からみた悪化因子}, volume = {121}, year = {2007} }